Archive | June, 2011

Nepal National Forests

12 Jun

“Green forests, Nepal’s wealth” is the popular saying in Nepal for centuries. Lets see some of the snaps we have at the moment.


Adjustable Valves Gave Ancient Plants the Edge

10 Jun

ScienceDaily (June 9, 2011) — Controlling water loss is an important ability for modern land plants as it helps them thrive in changing environments. New research from the University of Bristol, published June 9 in the journal Current Biology, shows that water conserving innovations occurred very early in plants’ evolutionary history.

The research focused on the role of stomata, microscopic pores in the surface of leaves that allow carbon dioxide gas to be taken up for use in photosynthesis, while at the same time allowing water to escape. Instead of being fixed pores in the leaf, rather like a sieve, the stomata of modern plants are more like valves that open and close on demand. They do this in response to environmental and chemical signals, such as light and carbon dioxide, therefore balancing the photosynthetic and water requirements of the plant. Therefore, a key evolutionary question is: when did plants develop these ‘active’ mechanisms of stomatal control? Continue reading

Langtang: Rare glimpses

7 Jun

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Nepal to Blog the World!

2 Jun

For the time being , this would be also meaningful viewing.

People enjoy drink-dance-dearing !

Hello world!

2 Jun

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